Snatching those spare nano-seconds to do some writing.

Welcome to my blog. I'm a chemistry teacher who loves to write. I'll be keeping you up to date with my writing projects and begging you for advice.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

A Room of My Own

I've moved into my office which I'm sharing with Karen (a fantastic professional writer) and Julie (terrific actor). This is so exciting! I'm just off Hope Street in Liverpool which is an inspirational part of a great city. Just being here has let me finish a huge ghost story (it was going to be short but now it's novella sized) and I managed 2000 words a day. This would not happen at home, believe me.

Tomorrow I'm off to the London Screenwriter's Festival and am dong a Pitching Workshop first. I've been working on my ideas and kicking them into shape. They range from a SciFi politician who isn't quite like thing you've ever met to a Sitcom to a crime idea that I'm really hopeful about.

Unlock your creative beast and find a place your family can't pester you!

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